Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Top Five Favorite Books of 2010!

Welcome to 2011! 
Last year moved exceptionally fast for me. How about you?!

I would be remiss if I didn't list my top five favorite picture books of 2010...
SO here they are, in no particular order:

by Deborah Underwood, illus. by Renata Liwska (Houghton Mifflin)

This book has gotten a lot of hype, and it is all well-deserved! It is in fact rare these days that a book that is as gentle and understated as this gets so much attention. It may very well have restored my faith in the picture book market! I may be a bit biased, since we do share the same editor; but it's been a long time since a book has come along that is so precious without being cheesy. It is nostalgic for adults, without losing sight of the child, and the pictures and words work seamlessly together.  A perfect nighttime book!


by Jonah Winter, illus. by Red Nose Studio (Schwartz & Wade)

I have been a big fan of Chris Sickels and his Red Nose Studio animations since back in my RISD days. He is probably one of the most talented people alive, and I'm so glad that he's finally getting his due. You gotta see this book! (especially check-out the inside cover ; )


the Unexpected Photographic Adventures 
of Richard and Cherry Kearton 
by Rebecca Bond (Houghton Mifflin)

Life is stranger than fiction! My dear friend, and children's book genius, Rebecca Bond discovered this while researching the lives of the Kearton brothers. It's a non-fiction that's so fun kids won't realize they're learning ; )

by David Wiesner (Clarion)

David Wiesner is a household name in the world of children's books for a reason. And he is not one for resting his laurels! Even though he has already won 

three Caldecott Medals and two Caldecott Honors, his new book ART & MAX might just be his most cleaver yet. Wiesner is always pushing the creativity and imagination in his books, I recommend checking out all of his books!


A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes 
by Salley Mavor (Houghton Mifflin)

Sally Mavor is one of my favorite dimensional artists. She creates her worlds in felt and stitchery, with found shells and tree bark, calling to mind my favorite childhood stop-motion animations. Mavor has done a series of nursery rhyme board-books, but this is her first treasury. POCKETFUL OF POSIES is full-color 64 page hard-bound picture book, and it's gorgeous. A must have! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alison, Your blog looks great and thanks for mentioning my book!
    All the best, Salley
